SWRA's will be providing sterile injection equipment, other safer drug use supplies, Naloxone, and safe sex supplies at our weekly syringe service program. We love folx that use drugs and engage in sex work - you deserve safety, dignity, and love. Sonoran Prevention Work will be onsite with us providing HIV and HCV testing.
Phoenix, AZ: #CANCommunityHealth will be back at Andre House on Wednesday, October 19th! Our mobile unit will be parked outside of 213 S 11th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85007 from 9am to 1pm offering goodies and health services! Services are Free & Confidential and include rapid HIV and rapid Hepatitis C testing. Stop by for testing […]
Sahuarita, AZ: Our Phoenix Prevention team is traveling down to the Sahuarita Food Bank on Thursday, October 20th! Our mobile health unit will be parked at 17750 South La Cañada Drive, Sahuarita, AZ 85629 from 9am to 1pm. Health services are Free & Confidential and include rapid HIV testing, as well as blood pressure and […]
SWRA's will be providing sterile injection equipment, other safer drug use supplies, Naloxone, and safe sex supplies at our weekly syringe service program. We love folx that use drugs and engage in sex work - you deserve safety, dignity, and love. Sonoran Prevention Work will be onsite with us providing HIV and HCV testing.
Sonoran Prevention works is offering free rapid and confirmatory hep C testing at mobile sites across Arizona.
Phoenix, AZ: Our Phoenix Prevention team will be at Phillips Memorial Christian Methodist Episcopal Church on Saturday, October 22nd! Our mobile health unit will be parked at 1401 E Adams St, Phoenix, AZ 85034 from 10am to 4pm offering health screenings. Services are Free & Confidential and include rapid HIV testing! #KnowYourStatus #FreeServices #MaricopaCounty