HIV Prevention

What if there was a pill that helped prevent HIV?

Say hello to Prep!

PrEP Can Lower Your Risk of Getting HIV by 99%!

What’s PrEP?

It’s Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP). It’s a pill you take once a day to help prevent HIV infection.

If you are HIV negative and want to go on PrEP, you’ll have to get tested to confirm your status along with other lab tests. You must also commit to taking the medication every day and to visit your medical provider every 3 months for follow-up HIV tests and prescription refills.

Find out if you qualify to get PrEP for free or at a lower cost.

For information and referrals statewide:

Phone Care Directions (602) 241-6100
Online Please Prep Me

Want help navigating PrEP or just have more question? Find answers in your area.

Need Help Paying for PrEP Labs?

The PrEP Lab Support Program provides coverage for PrEP labs for clients residing in  Maricopa County, whether you have insurance or not. Please click HERE for more information on how to enroll.